SPR Diversity Network Committee
The Diversity Network Committee (DNC) of the
Society for Prevention Research was formed
to: advocate, support, and promote diversity
initiatives within SPR on behalf of underrepresented
racial and ethnic groups, and encourage the
conduct of prevention research and the design
of culturally-relevant interventions that
address the various needs of racially and
ethnically diverse populations. As part of
this mission, the DNC is committed to creating
and enhancing networking opportunities for
members of SPR, to facilitate the conduct
of high quality prevention science with racially
and ethnically diverse populations. In addition,
the DNC supports research and interventions
that are attentive to a broad range of diversity
issues. SPR’s commitment and support
of diversity issues, as now implemented by
the DNC, underscores the importance of diversity
in the forms of gender, ethnicity, training,
research content and foci, career level, and
occupational type, as this diversity enhances
the development and conduct of research, service
delivery, and social policies that advance
prevention science.
The foundation for the DNC was the Diversity
Network Reception that was initiated in 2006
by Felipe Gonzalez Castro, chair of the 2006
Annual Meeting. The Diversity Network Reception,
now in its 4th year, has become a highlight
of the annual meeting. In 2009, the SPR Board
of Directors recommended to the membership
of the Society that the bylaws of the organization
be revised to include the DNC as a standing
committee. The membership approved the bylaw
revisions in May 2009. The DNC is now a standing
committee of SPR, and the chair is an ex-officio
member of the SPR Board of Directors.
Current Objectives
• To develop methods for recruiting
and retaining members representing racial
and ethnic diversity, and interested in research
with diverse populations
• To provide a forum for discussion
of diversity issues and research, and to support
and encourage research on diversity issues,
with diverse populations, and for reducing
• To identify best practices for adapting
empirically-based prevention programs to be
appropriate for settings that are diverse
in resources, priorities, and concerns
• To increase membership and leadership
diversity with regard to race and ethnicity,
career level and age, categories of research
content and foci, and occupational types
Membership in the DNC is open to anyone interested
in the DNC’s mission. However, all members
are encouraged to become members of SPR and
only DNC members who also are SPR members
may participate in DNC elections. If you are
interested in joining the DNC, e-mail the
chair Sharon Lambert at dncinfo@preventionresearch.org.
DNC Organization
The DNC Steering Committee is comprised of
volunteers who develop and oversee DNC programming
and activities, as well as coordinate membership,
training, and communications. A member of
the DNC Steering Committee chairs the Minority
Scholarship Committee which reviews and selects
awardees of the annual Minority Scholarship.
The Annual Minority Scholarship Dance, started
in 2002, helps to support the scholarships.
The Diversity Network Reception has been the
primary activity sponsored by the DNC. As
a standing committee of the SPR, the DNC will
sponsor other activities and events related
to diversity issues to serve DNC members and
the larger SPR membership. Please contact
us at dncinfo@preventionresearch.org
to share your ideas and suggestions for programming
at the SPR conference or throughout the year.