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Society Awards  
SPR 2010 Awards Presentation at 18th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (Download PDF here)

SPR 2009 Awards Presentation at 17th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (Download PDF here)

SPR 2008 Awards Presentation at 16th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Download PDF here)
SPR 2007 Awards Presentation at 15th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
SPR 2006 Awards Presentation at 14th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX
Awards Criteria (PDF)  
Awards Year: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Presidential Award: Gilbert J. Botvin, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Thomas Dishion, Ph.D.
Public Service Award: U.S. Representative Diane DeGette, D-Colorado – 1st District
Science to Practice Award: Kenneth Dodge, Ph.D.
Nan Tobler Award: Joseph A. Durlak, Ph.D.
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: Hilda Pantin, Ph.D., Guillermo Prado, Ph.D.
International Collaborative Prevention Research Award: Steven W. Gust, Ph.D.
Service to SPR Award: Michael Schoeny, Ph.D.
ECPN Early Career Award: Catherine Bradshaw, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN Award: Kelli Komro, Ph.D.
SPR Cup: Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center, Arizona State University, Team name: SIRC du Soleil. From left to right: Stephanie Ayers, Jennifer Mullins, Monica Bermudez-Parsai and Alex Wagaman
Presidential Award: David Olds, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Alexander C. Wagenaar, Ph.D.
Public Service Award: U.S. Congressman Robert "Bobby" C. Scott
Science to Practice Award: Mary Ellen O'Connell
Nan Tobler Award: James H. Derzon, Ph.D.
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: Laurie Miller Brotman, Ph.D.
International Collaborative Prevention Research Award: John E. Lochman, Ph.D.
Service to SPR Award: Kathy Etz, Ph.D.
ECPN Early Career Award: Mildred Maldonado-Molina, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN Award: J. Mark Eddy, Ph.D.
SPR Cup:  
International Collaborative Prevention Research Award:  Marion Forgatch, Ph.D.
Science to Practice Award: Sharon Mihalic
Public Service Award: William T. Grant Foundation Senior Program Team (Robert Granger, Ph.D., Edward Seidman, Ph.D., Vivian Tseng, Ph.D., Rebecca Maynard, Ph.D., Thomas S. Weisner, Ph.D., and Brian Wilcox, Ph.D.)
Presidential Award: Sheppard G. Kellam, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Richard Spoth, Ph.D.
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: Karol Kumpfer, Ph.D.
Nan Tobler Award Eric Stice, Ph.D.
ECPN Early Career Award: Stephanie Lanza, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN: Mark Greenberg, Ph.D.
Service to SPR Award: Brian Flay, Ph.D.
SPR Cup:

International Collaborative Prevention Research Award:  Linda Caldwell, Ph.D. and Edward Smith, Ph.D.
Science to Practice Award: Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.
Public Service Award: Senator Tom Harkin
Presidential Award: Irwin Sandler, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Philip Palmgreen, Ph.D. and the SENTAR Group. Lewis Donohew, Ph.D., Nancy Grant Harrington, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Lorch, Ph.D.
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: Les Whitbeck, Ph.D.
Translation Research: David Reiss, MD
Nan Tobler Award for the Review of Prevention Research Literature: David Foxcroft, Ph.D.
ECPN Early Career Award: Guillermo Pradu, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN: William Hansen, Ph.D.
Service to SPR Award: John Ernst
SPR Cup:

Prevention Geeks, Leslie Clinkenbeard, Ph.D., MPH, Andrea LaFazia, MSW, MPH, Rosina Everitte, MPH, and Christa Rhoades, MS

International Collaborative Prevention Research Award: John Winston Toumbourou, Ph.D.
Science to Practice Award: Dennis Embry, Ph.D.
Public Service Award: Jon Baron, Esq.
Presidential Award : Eugene Oetting, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Cheryl Perry, Ph.D.
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: Norweeta Milburn , Ph.D.
ECPN Early Career Award: Ty A. Ridenour, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN Award Tracy Harachi, Ph.D.
Service to SPR Award: Deborah Gorman-Smith, Ph.D.
SPR Cup: Sun Devil Scholars, Prevention Research Center, Arizona State University
Kevin M. King, Ph.D., Michelle Little, Ph.D., Freda F. Liu, B.A., Scott Weaver, Ph.D.
International Collaborative Prevention Research Award: Mary Jane Rotheram, Ph.D.
Science to Practice Award: Steve Aos, Ph.D.
Public Service Award : Dr. Nora D. Volkow
Presidential Award : Richard Clayton, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Denise Gottfredson, Ph.D.
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: Felipe Gonzalez Castro, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN Award: Chris Ringwalt, Dr.Ph.
ECPN Early Career Award: Melissa Stigler, Ph.D.
Service to SPR Award: Gilbert J. Botvin, Ph.D.
International Collaborative Prevention Research Award: Matthew Sanders, Ph.D.
Science to Practice Award: Frances M. Harding
Public Service Award: Charles G. Curie
Presidential Award: Linda Collins, Ph.D., and John Graham, Ph.D.
Nan Tobler Award for Review of the Prevention Science Literature: Mark Lipsey, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award : Richard Price, Ph.D.
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: Tracy Harachi, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN Award: Irwin Sandler, Ph.D.
ECPN Early Career Award: Esteban V. Cardemil, Ph.D.
Service to SPR Award Tony Biglan, Ph.D.
International Collaborative Prevention Research Award: Don Des Jarlais, Ph.D.
Science to Practice Award: Eric Schaps, Ph.D.
Public Service Award: Alan Leshner, Ph.D.
Presidential Award: Gerald R. Patterson, Ph.D., and John B. Reid, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Denise Kandel, Ph.D.
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: Charles Martinez, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN Award: Marion Forgatch, Ph.D.
ECPN Early Career Award: Kelli Komro, Ph.D.
Service to SPR Award: Denise Hallfors, Ph.D., and Ted Langevin
Presidential Award: C. Hendricks Brown, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Mark Greenberg, Ph.D.
Public Service Award: Elizabeth Robertson, Ph.D.
Science to Practice Award: CSAP's National CAPT System team of Ileana Baca, Charlotte Daley, Tania Garcia, Julie Hogan, Jerry Jaker and Mike Lowther
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: William Vega, Ph.D.
International Collaborative Prevention Research Award: Clemens Hosman, Ph.D.
Early Career Award: Kenneth Griffin, Ph.D., MPH
Friend of ECPN Award: Nicholas Ialongo, Ph.D
Presidential Award: Harold Holder, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Richard F. Catalano, Ph.D.
Public Service Award: Governor Tom and Mrs. Michele Ridge
Prevention Science to Practice Award: William B. Hansen, Ph.D.
Nan Tobler Award: Ellen Sogolow, Ph.D.
Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award: Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Ph.D., MPH
International Collaborative Prevention Research Award: Richard H. Price, Ph.D.
Early Career Award: Doug Coatsworth, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN Award: Clemens Hosman, Ph.D.
Service to SPR Award: Ralph Tarter, Ph.D.
Model Education Programs in Prevention Science Award: The Morgan State University and the Johns Hopkins University Collaboration
Presidential Award: Jose Szapocznik, Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: Robert Cairns, Ph.D., and Beverly Cairns, Ph.D.
Public Service Award: Juan Ramos, Ph.D.
Science to Practice Award: Delbert Elliot, Ph.D.
Nan Tobler Award: Nan Tobler, Ph.D.
Early Career Prevention Service Award: Paula Smith, Ph.D
Early Career Scientist Award: Margo Wootan, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN Award: John B. Reid, Ph.D.
Presidential Award: Patricia Mrazek, M.S.W., Ph.D.
Prevention Science Award: J. David Hawkins, Ph.D.
Public Service Award: William J. Bukoski, Ph.D.
Early Career Scientist Award: Joseph Schafer, Ph.D.
Early Career Scientist Award: Katherine DeVet, Ph.D.
Friend of ECPN Award: C. Hendricks Brown, Ph.D.
Lifetime Achievement Award: Beverly Long, M.S., M.P.H.
Federal Achievement Award: Shay Bilchik, B.S., B.A., J.D.
State Achievement Award: Terry Faye Bleier, C.P.A.
Science to Practice Award: Andrew O'Donovan, M.A.
Early Career Scientist Award: J. Mark Eddy, Ph.D.
Disque D. Dean President's Award: Gilbert Botvin, Ph.D.
Society for Prevention Research Award: Zili Sloboda, Sc.D.



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